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» Minecraft 1.7 Hard Mode Reboot
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» Website update, getting back into business.
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» Restoring that old console
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» Virtual Reality, Are we all becoming trapped?
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» the tale of Plymouth: a Banished Town Journal
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» Quantum Mechanics
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» Texas Best Smokehouse at Balch Springs
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Current date/time is Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:55 pm

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Ok so the rules are quite simple. Basic rules: #1 Be Courteous to everyone. #2 Nothing over PG13. #3 No spam. #4 No foul language. #5 Trolling is not permitted Updated to close in on new issues. -There shall be no more than 2 users with the same user name -There will allowed only 2 user names per user, one for official use, the other for emergency cases (for example: You arrive some months later and your account is closed for inactivity, you make a account and claim to be that person and your account is reactivated. The second account will be closed and the right for another Emergency account is permitted again). -The repeated abuse of the forums like the use of non-permuted photos is strictly off limits. The user shall be banned forever and retry is forbidden. - People who are troll will be treated this way: All bans will be impossible to defeat, this ban extends to the forums, chat and website in general. First trolling: one day ban Second trolling: 2 day ban Third trolling: 3 day ban Final warning: 5 day ban Final kick: Permanent ban forever and elimination of account Good behavior shall eliminate some bans, but bans will be in place even if being good. -No lazing around. Lazing in the site will cause you account to shut itself down. The way to prevent this is to announce that you are retiring from the site, being active, or receive a ban (wrong choice). -In the T&C constitution, the causing of repeated damage to a user reputation, shall receive a ban for misbehavior, and a review of rules shall be imposed. The trolling bans shall be taken in place. -The reason for pranks like the ones experienced by close friends are to never be tolerated. A one day ban shall be imposed. -Never post in the wrong topic. Wrong posts can be fixed, but hey, the job then falls to us. -T&C is a debt-free website, anyone who claims for cash, shall receive ban or worst, whichever worst in the case. Now, enjoy the website, but follow the rules... .